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Edgar Rincon

Developer + Developer, Creator, Design, and Frontend

Ambriza Training

Digital hub for restaurant staff, built with the Neve theme and Gutentor where users can manage tutorials, quizzes, calendar and team members and more

Progressive Web Application

Featured as native applications, we created a custom installation system, some content is restricted, but here are some screenshots to give you an idea of ​​how it works. Also we made a welcome introduction video using DaVinci Resolve

Standards Apps

This small startup has been a hobby for the last three years, basically it's me and the valuable collaboration of my cousin, which means doing almost everything in each project, we have had third-party advice to improve SEO or UX / UI when it has been necessary and the experience has been fascinating

La Cumbre Market

Ecommerce built with Woocommerce Elementor and Astra theme, pretty nice design and performance

BSI Installation

It was very particular project because the client had seen a website without the traditional bar menu and fell in love with the idea of ​​how compact the information was. It was achieved using jQuery but it was very challenging

Gonzalez Parra Law Group

My first project with the React framework, a landing page of the Lawyers Group where I grew up professionally, the smoothie effect on the scroll is incredible, unfortunately the information is a bit limited because where I come from, success brings challenges that are not very pleasant

Piso Deportivo

A blog focused on sports, mostly football interviews, opinion of subscribers and content creators, a company of very bright and dedicated young people, it is built with Astra theme and Gutenberg


I’m Edgar, a Web Developer with 2+ years of experience designing and developing user interfaces, testing, debugging, and training staff within software technologies. Proven ability optimizing web functionalities that improve data retrieval and workflow efficiency. Currently I live in Houston, working as a CEO at Standards Apps

Unexpected events took me out of my comfort zone as a lawyer, turning the hobby of programming into my passion/jobs. After all, they will both deal with conditions, but unlike people, CPUs meet them. Know My Skills

That man to whom I pay homage on the banks of the Seine has been decontextualized to justify authoritarianism, feeling indispensable will make you fail, even if you are El Libertador

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Me standing in front of the Torii on Miyajima, an island off the coast of Hiroshima in Japan